Well....a place to get water, unless it runs dry. That's how it is with writing. Been trying to write a book, it's so much more difficult than I had ever had imagined. Movies make it look easy, just find a nice country house and take a break from life.
Another day, and as my older sister likes to say, "life is what happens while you're busy making plans". Ain't it the truth..
I've lived in this apartment for almost 3 years now, coping with various issues, some with people, other issues involve problem solving for apt. living.
Wouldn't it be better if one could just crawl into a hole and pull the lid over for a while? maybe that's what vacations are for? I've never, ever, had a vacation.
I DID get myself a darling dog, he's in charge of the sanity department and me from the men in white with the funny jackets!
Cocoa is a Yorky/ Poodle mix, super intelligent, very difficult to make friends with unless you're a dog, cat, or child. One has to be around him for a while. He can learn a trick or new command after only one or two directions, and thinks the mice here are toys. I DID have Chanel, my darling Calico cat here, along with Charlie the Parakeet. Now THAT was a 3 ring circus! Trying to teach Cocoa how to sneeze on command, Chanel would sneeze, and Charlie keep saying "sneeze, sneeze, achoo"! ...
My health is better in some areas, worse in others...nothing worth noting. So many people are much worse off than me and mine....
I got a Power Scooter to help me get to places when I need to use it. Mostly use the walker, which makes a great carry-all unit! It's fancy, what with a basket, brakes, and padded seat. The Scooter is bright, shiny, almost a candy - apple red. Gee, I've gone from a baby carriage, stroller, trike, bike, rollerskates, horses, car, to this..quite a transition. Wish I could have stuck with the horses!
Trying to lose weight, again....guess that's my job in life!
Saw the movie "The Help" yesterday. LOVED it. Planning on seeing "The War Horse" this coming week.
Have had soooo many computer problems of late, am now using my son's tower, since he has a laptop. He put a hard drive in it that was clean, took care of all the stuff, like anti-virus, fire-wall, Windows...I'll just have to get a new computer soon and have him do the transferring of things.
Guess that's about it, so little to write about...one of my neighbors died day before yesterday....leaves one feeling rather empty and devoid of thoughts. I DO want to wish a
Happy New Year to all of the former and new folks here at JU, may your New Year bring all of you happiness, and good health