I'm getting real used to the CPAP, the funny looking harness I wear on my head at night. It's attached to a mask, and that to a machine. I know other JUsers are probably familiar with this and Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
I truly feel a world of difference from using it. The other night I didn't use it and was groggy all day, and out of sorts. I'm sure thankful the diagnosis was made, my oxygen levels are normal now.
On the 14th of this month a foot doctor is going to make a brace for my left ankle, it's been sprained 3 times now and twisted numerous times. AFO stands for 'ankle foot orthosis. Mine will be custom made because the tendons and ligaments are pretty much just mush in there and I continue to have falls because of the fallen arch and spine issues. SoOooo.....he says this will stabilize the ankle, allow the joint to work, however give the insides a chance to get better, hopefully...I'd hate to have to have this operated on now!
Here's a link that gives a lot of info about it, I know that my condition is pretty common.
My blood work showed that my liver function is elevated, again. It'll be checked again in a month. If it's still elevated I don't know if Dr. Quiram will send me to the Rhuematologist again, or if he'll take and try to use a different med for my RA. What with having the Sarcoid in the liver, and being on Methotrexate for the RA, I don't know if my liver can hold up.
Two out of three things going good is pretty darn great! Medicine had come a long ways since the days of using leeches to get rid of "bad blood"! I think that might make for a good blog post, write about how barbaric medicine was 200 years ago!
Guess it's time to go put on my sleeping cap! Now if only the'd come up with a thinking cap!