Life, laughs, love and tears.
After all, they have rights too...
Published on September 5, 2007 By Trudygolightly In Current Events

The inmates in Dakota County, MN. have it soooooooo bad,  my GOD!  Seven days a week,  365 days a year,  they get to have two bologna sandwiches,  along with fruit, like an orange and cookies and chips.   

That's what they get,  5 days a week,  and on weekends they get two meals a day.  Brunch and supper.  They threw a fit claiming it was against their "rights" to have sooo many hours between meals,  as breakfast was at 7,  lunch at noon and brown bag supper at 4:00 p.m.

They complained that they weren't getting enough calories,  probably not enough nutrition,  and meals so far apart on weekends left them hungry.

There was,  for the record,  11 letters of complaint,  received by the Dept. of Corrections since January 2004,  seven about the food. 

Their meals are monitered by a dietician each year,  the Dept. of Corrections said,  and the Dept. of Corrections changed the time between meals on weekends,  and also told the inmates that they're welcome to have cereal in the morning if they want it.  They claimed they weren't aware of that.

They ( the inmates) also have access to vending machines,  and weekly canteens operated by TW Vending,  which offers junk food,  convenience foods by store items on a form,  ramen noodles,  and coffee.

Dear Lord,   maybe if they ( the inmates)  had been out working for a living,  even if it's flipping burgers,  instead of holding people up at gunpoint,  maybe if they had asked for help instead of stealing from someone's garage....they might have the money for better food.

Why should I feel bad if they're eating bologna for supper?  When I was working for a living,  I worked between 9 and 12 hour days to support my son and myself.  If we ate bologna it was because we had a choice, that we'd earned!

 I say LET them eat bologna!  IF they're lucky it might be Oscar Meyer!!

BTW,  the article,  by Frederic Melo,  is in the St. Paul Pioneer Press,  and is far more

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 07, 2007

You didn't understand, or you are living in an alternate reality

  I DIDN"T understand that part where that's ALL they'd get.  The second part of that sentence is uncalled for rudeness.  It's one thing to participate in a forum,  another to be rude,  which I acknowledge I've myself been guilty of,  however I don't think any has been leveled here, on this post,   against you by me.

  People on asssistance buying steak?  jeesh....I don't how on God's green earth their EBT card ( food allotment) can last the month! 

Heck, I guess, since it is dietitian approved, they should just get bologna sandwiches, cereal, potato chips and an orange for each day, right?

I guess since it IS dietician approved,  with the state's blessing,  they could do that.  However the inmates,  if you read thouroghly,  said they get breakfast,  hot lunch,  and the sandwiches, fruit, cookies, and chips are at night.  I could be wrong about though,  never hurts to re-read the facts though.

on Sep 07, 2007
People on asssistance buying steak? jeesh....I don't how on God's green earth their EBT card ( food allotment) can last the month!

You DO live in an alternate reality. The two times we've had to briefly have food stamps, we found ourselves having to "spend down" at the end of every month because we received TOO MUCH!
on Sep 07, 2007


They payment is lock-up not starvation or punishment by eating only bologna

They're NOT starving Charles!!  They're getting 2700 calories a day,  to sit!  Did you READ the article even???  THIS is what aggravates me,  people that don't BOTHER to read the facts!  Punishment?  eating bologna??  One man's bologna is another man's steak!  Some people LOVE Oscar Meyer!

Don't EVEN get me started on chips!  I love em   and cookies are great.  So is fruit,  and the meal the inmates get is what I got in the nursing home two years ago when I had my knee replacement!  and because I wasn't moving around too much,  they had me on 1000 calories,  NOT 2700!!  Do yo KNOW how much food 2700 calories is?? it's a LOT!

Oy vey.....

Reply By: CharlesCS1Posted: Friday, September 07, 2007
No we're not monsters, and I don't think "we're dropping to their level" just because they're not getting more variety at night.

Sorry to disagree, again, truly but we are lowering ourselves when we make excuses about not having enough $$$$ to feed people, even if they are criminals

OH OH OH,  the BIG BUT!!  NO you're NOT sorry!  Don't try to feed me THAT line!  IF you think the state is "lowering itself to the criminals level" by "making excuses"  then YOU need to take that up with the state. 

Charles......if we "lowered ourselves to their level"  we'd be out there committing crimes against people and property.  THAT"S lowering ourselves....

I've got a perfect article for tomorrow,  I've collected the facts,  and I think it will interest you a lot.  It's got statistics,  figures,  amounts,  and we'll see how you feel and what you think then...OK?  deal? 

I swore to GOD I"d never go there,  never get into this political stuff,  however I feel like I need to now....jeesh

Even poor and homeless people have better and more variety to eat. Besides I don't think bologna is the cheapest thing out there

YES!  the poor and homeless,  like my sister,  DO have better and more variety to eat.  They're not sitting in jail for a crime,  if they were they'd be at the mercy of the state of MN.  When someone breaks the law,  they usually lose a lot of rights,  including the choice to eat what they'd prefer... 

And you're right,  bologna ISN"T the cheapest thing ou there.  Jeesh...Well Charles,  maybe we'll have to agree to disagree....

MY position is that people in jail,  accused of crime,  eat what the state says is nutricious and if they're tired of it,  it'd be great if they didn't commit any more crimes in the future.  Now if it was SPAM that they were feeding the criminals....I wouldn't object to an 8 day stay...spam along with chips and cookies and fruit.  Ya.

on Sep 07, 2007
They're NOT starving Charles!! They're getting 2700 calories a day, to sit! Did you READ the article even??? THIS is what aggravates me, people that don't BOTHER to read the facts! Punishment? eating bologna?? One man's bologna is another man's steak! Some people LOVE Oscar Meyer!
Don't EVEN get me started on chips! I love em and cookies are great. So is fruit, and the meal the inmates get is what I got in the nursing home two years ago when I had my knee replacement! and because I wasn't moving around too much, they had me on 1000 calories, NOT 2700!! Do yo KNOW how much food 2700 calories is?? it's a LOT!
Oy vey.....

And it's all GARBAGE food. Bologna and potato chips are flat out JUNK! They DON'T constitute a healthy diet!

on Sep 07, 2007
I don't know how it is in Mn...but when I worked at the PD in Texas....someone with an over due library book would eventually (if not taken care of) have a warrant issued for theft. So if a cop pulled them over and the library book warrant was active...they went to jail.

Also, some people can't afford certain fines. It may be traffic violations, or personal tickets (j walking...curfew violation etc). They can sit out their time in county jail if they don't have the money to pay.

Not everyone in county lock up is guilty..and some of them ARE guilty but not of anything really serious except being broke.

We treat POWs better than this jail treats Americans.
on Sep 07, 2007


BULLSHIT, Trudy. Child molestors don't get sentenced to county lockup and you KNOW It!

Nope,  I DIDN't know that!!  If a molester is arrested by a cop or sheriff,  where would they take them then?  if not the local county jail.  Especially in a small town.

Honestly, Trudy, I'm done here. You've proven yourself to be, in my opinio, a vile individual completely lacking in compassion. In my estimation, you're a leech on society who demands that your driver, underwritten by our tax dollars, acts as a personal limo service, and who looks down on the masses while living off of our paychecks.

In other words, you disgust me FAR beyond belief.

What does my having a volunteer driver,  since I'm on 5 heart medications,  have ANYTHING to do with this post?  That's off topic and,  btw,  is from an article that's almost 2 years old!  I believe that in FAIR arguing it's not kosher to bring things up that are ancient history.

For the record,  I'm NOT living off of tax dollars,  I"M living off of my own Social Security,  since I"VE worked for a liiving since I graduated in 65.....AND for the record,  should anyone actually care,  the SSI I received was SUPPOSEd to be Social Security,  they messed up,  for 10 years, and I Just got money I should have had.  I "carry my own purse" Gid,  I believe in supporting myself and not living off of others or "using a man as a meal ticket".  Vile?  What are the seven deadly sins Gid?  gluttony,  greed, envy,  lust,  sloth, how about wrath?  I think it's up to God to decide who is truly vile.....I have a heart full of compassion,  for animals,  children,  seniors,  even teenagers!  It sounds to me like you're condemning me,  that's not YOUR job...

Do YOU do volunteer work?  do you pass out food,  for free,  in your community?  I do.  Do you or have volunteered in a nursing home?  I do.  Vile?  Because I have NO compassion for those that sit jailed for stealing,  ect.  IF that's being vile,  fine.  I hope they get themselves turned around.  I hope they "see the light".  If they're sitting in jail,  let em eat bologna.  AND btw,  the one thing I do agree with on is that bologna is junk. 

"bleeding heart", no. CHRISTIAN, yes. Somehow I think throwing a bunch of shit junk food day after day at inmates is something God frowns on.

I think a true Christian would refrain from using the kind of lanuage you do and also not be so full of themself that they'd condemn the poor,  Jesus didn't.  I also think a true Christian is too humble to call people names the way you have here.  Shame on you Gideon.   

Those on public assistance are living poor, yet honest, lives.

Honest, no. They're stealing from the taxpayers rather than working to make a living. They're just another type of thief.

Children born with disabilities aren't thieves Gid,  nor are they parasites.  Or perhaps you'd prefer to see them euthanized rather than get help from the government.

However, comparing how much public assistance people cost tax payers, to criminals in jail is another whole blog Gid.
No, it's not. We've explained why. That you're still too thickheaded to understand that explains a lot.
People who live their lives off of public assistance are parasites. They are leeches.

There IS a difference between criminals eating up the citizens money and the people that are disabled, ill,  why I think some JUsers have needed help,  and you'd call them names too?  People you DO like? 

I think you're out of control Gid when you come here,  calling me names and ridiculing those that need help.  People you Do like are probably on SSI.  You need to get a handle on your temper,   be civil and still debate.

Thick headed?  AT times,  yes I can be,  however  I maintain there's a difference between citizens that are poor and criminals in jail.  YES,  they both utilize tax supported help,  however many using the resources are children,  seniors,  and disabled.  Just because both use tax dollars doesn't mean they all get tossed in a pot to be stewed....

See, and here's the deal. Can't work as a trustee until you're sentenced.

THAT I wasn't aware of,  thanks for that.

You say you're done here?  that might be a good idea as you're not debating so much as you are swearing,  condemning me and my thoughts,  and bringing up old history.  THAT isn't what a forum is for.


Reply By: Gideon MacLeishPosted: Friday, September 07, 2007
People on asssistance buying steak? jeesh....I don't how on God's green earth their EBT card ( food allotment) can last the month!

You DO live in an alternate reality. The two times we've had to briefly have food stamps, we found ourselves having to "spend down" at the end of every month because we received TOO MUCH!

See,  there ya go again.  More insults.  Althoug I'm glad to see that YOU know how to spell "received"  *****VBS***not everyone gets that. 

Yes,  some people know HOW to use their help wisely to the point of having left over food support.  I've read some of your ideas on preparing food to be economical and it IS good.  Many could stand to take lessons from you on wise use of food.

on Sep 07, 2007
I have a heart full of compassion, for animals, children, seniors, even teenagers!

Where? Do you keep it hidden under the bed? Because it's certainly never made an appearance on this forum, especially in this thread . . .

on Sep 07, 2007

Reply By: Tova7Posted: Friday, September 07, 2007
I don't know how it is in Mn...but when I worked at the PD in Texas....someone with an over due library book would eventually (if not taken care of) have a warrant issued for theft. So if a cop pulled them over and the library book warrant was active...they went to jail.

Also, some people can't afford certain fines. It may be traffic violations, or personal tickets (j walking...curfew violation etc). They can sit out their time in county jail if they don't have the money to pay.

Not everyone in county lock up is guilty..and some of them ARE guilty but not of anything really serious except being broke.

We treat POWs better than this jail treats Americans.

Wow Tova,  a warrant for a library book?  Not only is that,  imho,  harsh,  it doesn't even make sense!  If someone is reading,  that's a GREAT thing!  That's how people get ahead in this world!  Jeesh....unreal...

ANd I'm one of those that went to jail,  for a couple of hours,  for a parking ticket my boyfriend got on my car.  I sure couldn't afford the ticket,  thank God I had a great boss at the security company I worked for!  He paid the bail and then loaned me the money for the ticket. 

I know that some people aren't guilty,  that are locked up,  and the lockup is usually fo 7-8 days,  still I imagine that bologna would taste pretty awful by the end of that time. would be interesting to see the statistics on how many are guilty,  since that seems to be what some here are concerned with....

You strike me as being a peace maker Tova..    are you a middle child?  if you don't mind my asking?

Btw,  for Dharma,  today I had a one serving of plain oatmeal for breakfast,  two pieces of bread for lunch with fruit,  no cookies,  no chips,  a glass of milk.  ANd so far,  no supper. 

This isn't unusal for me,  supper might be just vegetables out of my garden,  although in a blog just a few days ago I mentioned having a steak,   it was the first since 98 and the 8 oz piece got cut into 4 portions.  ..

For the record other counties,  it's mentioned in the article,   serve other kinds of food,   and the employees such as jailors,  sheriff,  ec can buy the meal for $1.50

Maybe I shoudd close here and leave a comment on what kind of meals the inmates got in Wis. and here where I worked.  That might change a few minds....

on Sep 07, 2007
It sounds to me like you're condemning me, that's not YOUR job...

Oh, yeah...and WHAT was the purpose of this post again? Oh yeah, that's right. YOU condemning OTHERS!

Nope, I DIDN't know that!! If a molester is arrested by a cop or sheriff, where would they take them then? if not the local county jail. Especially in a small town.

There's a difference between being HELD there and being SENTENCED there!
A BIG difference!

Do YOU do volunteer work? do you pass out food, for free, in your community? I do. Do you or have volunteered in a nursing home? I do.

I don't do things to be lauded by others, so I won't answer this. Draw your own conclusions.

I think you're out of control Gid when you come here, calling me names and ridiculing those that need help. People you Do like are probably on SSI. You need to get a handle on your temper, be civil and still debate.

Out of in the LEAST!

Why does your post infuriate me, Trudy? Because of the judgmental nature. As I previously explained, when I was arrested last December, had I not had the $250 on me to post bail (and in actuality, I had about $260, total, so it took everything I had), I would have languished in jail...because the GRASS on my property was too high! And I would have sat for about three months, because there is no way our municipal court judge, the granddaughter of the marshal, would have released me on my own recognizance.

Yes, I would have had a major civil rights suit and would be pretty rich right now, but in the meantime, I would have been sitting in a county lockup. A place where, according to you, I deserve to get nothing but Baloney and even executed at the hands of other inmates(yes, you DID say that!)

Was/am I pissed? HELL YES! Is it irrational or out of control? Sorry, Trudy, it doesn't fit the bill.

You brag about your compassion, yet you have none for people who've merely been accused of a crime. THAT is what makes me sick, Trudy.

What does my having a volunteer driver, since I'm on 5 heart medications, have ANYTHING to do with this post? That's off topic and, btw, is from an article that's almost 2 years old! I believe that in FAIR arguing it's not kosher to bring things up that are ancient history.

I disagree. It sets a pattern for who you are. Someone who expects volunteers to go the extra mile for you on someone else's dime, yet feels it's appropriate to feed inmates garbage.

Children born with disabilities aren't thieves Gid, nor are they parasites. Or perhaps you'd prefer to see them euthanized rather than get help from the government.

No, I expect their families to care for them if they can't care for themselves. NOT the government. And I've expressed this often enough you can't have missed it.

that might be a good idea as you're not debating so much as you are swearing, condemning me and my thoughts, and bringing up old history. THAT isn't what a forum is for.

I used two swear words, trudy, and in a proper context. And as for "condemning you and your thoughts and bringing up old history", well, frankly, Trudy, I haven't even approached the type of response you'd get on most forums, so, frankly, if it's too much for you, online forums are possibly not the best place for you.

I find it quite remarkable that you insist you're "living off of what you earned", while accusing LW of being a leech. Seems to me you're both receiving SSI, Trudy. The difference is, I don't see LW griping because she didn't get as much as she'd hoped at the food bank or because her volunteer driver didn't drive out of his way on a ride she wasn't paying for. You always seem to feel you're not getting your "fair share" of handouts, and that's what irks me. And it's not just you, but an entire country full of people who somehow feel that everyone should be entitled to a caviar lifestyle, whether they pay for it or not.

Whether you like it or not, people who draw entitlements ARE usually leeches on the system. And they should be the first ones forced to the bologna diet.
on Sep 07, 2007

I used two swear words, trudy, and in a proper context. And as for "condemning you and your thoughts and bringing up old history", well, frankly, Trudy, I haven't even approached the type of response you'd get on most forums, so, frankly, if it's too much for you, online forums are possibly not the best place for you.

What difference does it make?  the context they were used in?  They're still offensive and usually show that someone is riled up and more likely to make personal attacks instead of debating.

I never said it was too much for me,  I expect people to use some decent manners when on other's blogs.  If someone can't debate without using obscenities and attacking someone on a personal level,  calling names,ect.  they're the ones that should stay off forums.   

Children born with disabilities aren't thieves Gid, nor are they parasites. Or perhaps you'd prefer to see them euthanized rather than get help from the government.

No, I expect their families to care for them if they can't care for themselves. NOT the government. And I've expressed this often enough you can't have missed it.

I'm sure their families do all they can,  if they're loving and caring parents.  I knew you don't approve of the government helping people,  however didn't realize your stance on it was so harsh as to include disabled children with MS, CP,  ect.  That shocks me,  it sounds like you have more compassion for those accused and sitting in jail than innocent children.  Hard to belive..


What does my having a volunteer driver, since I'm on 5 heart medications, have ANYTHING to do with this post? That's off topic and, btw, is from an article that's almost 2 years old! I believe that in FAIR arguing it's not kosher to bring things up that are ancient history.

I disagree. It sets a pattern for who you are. Someone who expects volunteers to go the extra mile for you on someone else's dime, yet feels it's appropriate to feed inmates garbage.

First,  it doesn't say anything about who I am since the whole story didn't come out.  I think you need to learn about what's "fair" in having an arguement or debate.  I am pretty sure old history isn't supposed to be dragged up some like some old rag.

For the record:    I "didn't expect" anyone to go an "extra mile" for me,  ( btw it was on the way home,  not out of the way)  That day I had,  despite what someone claimed,  ( it was speculation on their part) a healthy breakfast ( i have to what with 18 pills a day total)  and at the museum I asked one of the drivers if we could swing through McDonald's for a $1.00 sandwich to hold me over ( with my afternoon pills) as I couldn't afford the high priced meals at the museum.  Other riders wanted to stop too,  for the same reason as mine.  I was told sure,  no problem,  and then on the way home the other driver didn't ask me if I still wanted to stop,  she told me "I didn't need too,  right?'  Another thing that wasn't mentioned was that she had said to me in a rather cold way,  "you can wait,  can't ya, until you get home to eat?!".  At that point I didn't want to say antything as I was feeling embarrassed by her attitude.  She was the driver that endangerd herself,  her unborn baby,  and me and another lady,  by using her knees to steer the car while she fished in her purse with one hand,  and used another hand to talk on the phone.  While going 70 miles an hour.

Someone critized me and mocked me for stating facts,  accusing me of complaining about a free ride,  and pretty much what you said about not getting my fair share.  My feelings were hurt,  cause she ran her eyes up and down my body when she made her remark,  and I was also scared for my life with her driving,  which she had been reprimanded by the county dept. of transportation,  before. 

I think the fair share thing came about because I got upset at the store,   it's not much fun when someone cuts in front of you,  whether it's at the theater,  the check out,  this time it just happened to be free samples being handed out. 

I was in a bad mood anyway,  as I'd been arguing with my son,  and there's a lot here that I won't share,  and this was the lst straw when the dad andhis daughter cut me off.  Usually I'm good natured about stuff like that,  not so that day.  So?  That's one time. 


My income is Social Security Gid,  because it's only $486 a month I get a small amount of SSI because of the mulitiple disabilities. 

What the heck does lw have to do with this? ???  I've never accused her of being a leech!  Her and I both have RA,  we both have, least I have permanent disability with my spine and I know she has spine issues too.  I think YOU"RE the one that called people getting assistance "leeches and parasites."!  WHAT I SAID was that some of your friends might be on SSI,  or getting assistance.  Are you going to cut them off?  Declare THEM unfit for your friendship,  just because they need help?  I hope not.  You don't know who on JU might be getting some form of help,  and if you're friends with em,  what happens when you find out,  how does your calling clients "leeches and parasites"  work for you?


I have a very unpopular stance here on JU.  I believe in helping those that are disabled. 

Reply By: Gideon MacLeishPosted: Friday, September 07, 2007
It sounds to me like you're condemning me, that's not YOUR job...

Oh, yeah...and WHAT was the purpose of this post again? Oh yeah, that's right. YOU condemning OTHERS!

No,  the blog was "Do you feel BAD for these inmates?"  It was a QUESTION.

and I don't.  I don't condemn them,  I just have NO sympathy for criminals. 

Brag about my compassion,  no,  I was using that as an example since you think I have no compassion.  I care deeply about people,  I'm just sick and tired of hearing how some of these criminals have hurt people.  I wouldn't want an innocent person stuck eating that stuff,  I personally can't stand bologna. 

Why would I care if someone that's guilty eats it?  You keep harranguing on how "many" are innocent,  what about the guilty?  why should a victim care if her/his attacker is eating high off the hog or not?  Beats me.

Instead of going on and on about "how some might be innocent"  how about answering the question,   presuming the jailed ARE guilty??


on Sep 07, 2007
Instead of going on and on about "how some might be innocent" how about answering the question, presuming the jailed ARE guilty??

I won't presume the jailed are guilty, because that's not how our legal system works, Trudy. Should we have two meals, one for those sentenced and one for those who are not? Sorry, no. There is a right to healthy, nutritious meals.

In prisons, ironically, where the hardcore criminals reside, they have MUCH better meals than in this county lockup (or MOST county lockups, for that matter!)

I'm just sick and tired of hearing how some of these criminals have hurt people.

ANd so it's fair to paint them all with a broad brush? Do you not realize, Trudy, that is precisely how some of these criminals came to be? Look up recidivism rates sometime and ask yourself how many of these criminals went in at 18 for some petty crime and wound up career criminals because people simply looked the other way while they were raped and victimized by other inmates. There are some true animals out there, Trudy. But most of them aren't sentenced in county lockup, even if they might pass through there.

I never said it was too much for me, I expect people to use some decent manners when on other's blogs. If someone can't debate without using obscenities and attacking someone on a personal level, calling names,ect. they're the ones that should stay off forums.

If admin feels my comments are out of bounds on their forums, they have the ability to control my access. I will leave it to admin, not you, to judge my behaviour.

I knew you don't approve of the government helping people, however didn't realize your stance on it was so harsh as to include disabled children with MS, CP, ect. That shocks me, it sounds like you have more compassion for those accused and sitting in jail than innocent children. Hard to belive..

Not at all, Trudy. Welfare should not be the government's responsibility, nor, for that matter, should disability or retirement. That has always been my stance, and I stand by it. Is that lacking in compassion? Not at all. It's simply a belief that I shouldn't steal someone else's money to pay for the poor and needy; they should do it themselves.

Does it work that way in reality? No, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be our goal.

As for inmates: I am and have always been a Constitutionalist. If you read me at all, you HAVE to know that. Our commitment to the precepts of the Constitution is not proven by how we treat those with whom we agree, but how we treat those with whom we DISAGREE. And while you may see all inmates as "scum", the truth is, there are many, even among the guilty, who have redeeming qualities. Once they're convicted, I have no problem with them serving hard time, but 1) ONLY after they're convicted; and 2) Their "hard time" should not include denial of a healthy diet, clean and sanitary conditions, or basic medical care.

Someone critized me and mocked me for stating facts, accusing me of complaining about a free ride, and pretty much what you said about not getting my fair share.

Honestly, Trudy, I've seen you express this attitude MANY times. Granted, you've been a little bit more chipper as of late, but again, looking at a pattern of behaviour over time, I've seen this a LOT.

I think YOU"RE the one that called people getting assistance "leeches and parasites."!

No, I called people who LIVE OFF of government assistance (which is a FAR different case from receiving temporary aid) leeches and parasites. I know what I'm speaking of in this arena. I won't elaborate more on this particular blog except to say that I know what I'm speaking of in this department.

My point was (and is) if you think a bologna meal every day and 14-18 hours between meals is an adequate diet, it should be no problem if you were put on it yourself now, should it? Frankly, I agree with providing only staples for food, but bologna isn't a staple! It's garbage!

on Sep 08, 2007
And I'll tell you what REALLY set me off, Trudy, was the statement that inmates deserve to be murdered in prison. That you would consider the cold blooded murder of some 18 year old purse snatcher acceptable is so far beyond appalling it's not even funny!

You brag about your compassion, Trudy, yet your words don't show it.

AND as for dredging up old blog articles, I KNOW you have done that to users on this site in the past, Trudy. Sucks when you're at the receiving end, don't it?
on Sep 08, 2007

I DIDN"T understand that part where that's ALL they'd get. The second part of that sentence is uncalled for rudeness. It's one thing to participate in a forum, another to be rude, which I acknowledge I've myself been guilty of, however I don't think any has been leveled here, on this post, against you by me.
People on asssistance buying steak? jeesh....I don't how on God's green earth their EBT card ( food allotment) can last the month!

That was an either/or statement.  Either a) you didn't understand (which is what you claim) or you live in an alternate reality (which would mean that you understood what I said but didn't believe it).  If you found that rude, then I don't know what to tell you. 

You don't know how people buy steaks while on welfare?  You obviously don't know anyone who actually uses it.  Why do you think that people stay on assistance as long as they can?  People aren't just buying beans and rice with that money- they are buying whatever they want.  And, the allotment is based on the governments calculation of what is needed.  If people max out the card each month, they obviously "need" that much, right? 

on Sep 08, 2007


That was an either/or statement. Either a) you didn't understand (which is what you claim) or you live in an alternate reality (which would mean that you understood what I said but didn't believe it).
Reply By: KarmaGirl

I reiterate,  I didn't understand HOW you meant what you said,  if I copy an past it Karma,  then maybe it will show how it looked to me?

quote]If we ate bologna it was because we had a choice, that we'd earned!") why don't we just give staples to people on assistance? We used to. They can go to the welfare store and get dried beans, jars of no-name peanut butter, bologna, bread. But, I guess that's different, right?


quote]If we ate bologna it was because we had a choice, that we'd earned!") why don't we just give staples to people on assistance? We used to. They can go to the welfare store and get dried beans, jars of no-name peanut butter, bologna, bread. But, I guess that's different, right? This part right here, where it says "Why don't we just give staples to people on assistance?" HAD it said "why don't we give JUST staples to people on assistance?" it would have been interperted differently. The first way it's stated, least to me, sounds like by just giving them staples we'd solved a hunger problme or helped it, the second way leaves NO doubt as to your intent.
on Sep 08, 2007
so what a lot of you feel good people are saying is they should be feed steak and eggs instead.

1 who's going to pay for it.

2 where is the insentive to stay out of jail.

did you know a lot of homeless will get themselves thrown in jail in the winter so they wont freeze.
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